Located South Central in Saskatoon, Adelaide/Churchill is made up of single detached houses. According to MLS listings, as of 2016, the average amount for a house was $378,208.
In a 1913 map, the area was divided in two, but when the map was redrawn in the 1990s, the areas were combined into one.
There are two schools located in Adelaide/Churchill:
There are three parks in the area:
Boom Town Café is located in the Western Development Museum at 2610 Lorne Ave, and is known for having fantastic food served in a historic atmosphere.
Bus Routes:
Adelaide Churchill Community Association is the Adelaide and Churchill website that displays news and upcoming events in the community. For more information about what is happening in this neighborhood, go to www.adelaidechurchill.ca
Fun fact: Hugh Cairns V.C. School is named after the Canadian solider, Hugh Cairns, who fought in World War I and was born in Saskatoon. He was awarded the Victoria Cross, which is the British Commonwealth’s highest award for bravery in battle.